Tuesday, September 16, 2014
2014 Internet Hoaxes
Bogus Warnings and false alert hoaxes in Email and social media messages often spread false or misleading information about companies, people, animals, products, or software with a motive of revenge or just meanness. Things like MY DOG IS DEAD and yours will eventually die too! George Carlin said...take it to the pet store, pile it on the counter and DECLARE IN A LOUD VOICE,"I want another DOG JUST LIKE THIS ONE!" Well...that MIGHT NOT BE A GOOD IDEA since pet stores charge for FUNERALS!
Virus hoaxes in spam and circulating email and social media messages have false or misleading information about supposed virus threats that do not exist. This is FEAR-MONGERING! If you do not know the sender, do not TRUST the LINK!
Hacker hoaxes and false security warnings are circulated about hackers and other computer security issues. Like celebrity bare selfies sent to the "cloud".
Giveaway hoaxes in Email, social media posts, and websites that falsely claim that coupons, vouchers, prizes, or sums of money are being given away which has almost ruined legitimate contesting and sweepstakes. People formerly thought,"I never win anything...then those who DID now assume all is a scam. These hoaxing people should be flogged with a wet noodle. They tend to give countries with BAD REPUTATIONS...EVEN WORSE REPUTATIONS!
Sick baby hoaxes and charity hoaxes are spread via Email and social media posts that falsely claim that money will be donated in exchange for forwarding, liking, or sharing. DON'T FALL FOR THIS LOAD OF HOCKEY but do charity through YOUR LOCAL CHURCH or SYNOGOGUE. Mosques often serve to donate to terrorists or big name Muslim groups who front for terrorists. Families are fooled enough into these "donations" and these go to "relatives". This blogger has the ONLY SICK BABY and REQUIRES DONATIONS FOR WHISKEY!
Missing child hoaxes are circulating messages that falsely claim that an imaginary child or a real one is missing. They usually keep the goodies for themselves unless someone is duping them! Mike has GONE MISSING (since everyone knows that he is a man) and Barry is hiding "IT" somewhere, probably in Martha's Vineyard or Hawaii.
Funny hoaxes are the messages that were originally intended as jokes or humour pieces but have attained hoax status over time. One example is the resurgence of the "Paul Is Dead" hoax. If he is not Paul, he has been Paul so long now that he might as well BE Paul, since he has convinced himself! Ringo would be the "sole Survivor"!
Fake images and videos have been digitally manipulated or altered to depict imaginary things or to convey dis-information. The "Mike" pictures are 100% REAL...and "Mike" is really a transvestite or "tranny". He is REALLY GOOD...you thought Mrs. Doubtfire was AMAZING and good work...Mike went to college and got a degree AS A WOMAN! (NOT the one with the tattoo...the one who tells people WHAT to eat!)
Petitions and protests feature false, inaccurate, or misleading messages that protest against various organizations, government departments, or individuals. Some are presented as petitions that ask recipients to 'sign' and pass them on. This is easy fund raising since most politicians are not damn worthy or they would have quit politics altogether like Sarah Palin.
Chain letters date back to the days when mail and social media messages connected individuals and friends across the many miles. Often CLs predict dire consequences for people who 'break the chain' and do not pass them along to others. More fear-mongering and soup-in-de-kitchen as Joe of Huckleberry Finn novels would say! Email this to FIVE friends or your TOES WILL FALL OFF!
Health and medical hoaxes appeal to the hypochondriac in people by circulating messages that contain false, misleading, or inaccurate information about health and medical issues. Holy Un-AFFORDABLE we don't CARE because we are just ACTing Bat DUDE! They swear there ain't no heaven and they pray there ain't no hell! Which is where politicians go after they retire and EXPIRE or over-stay their careers entirely and die in political office stinking up the place!
Death hoaxes often declare that a politician is DEAD to spur parties and liquor sales. They falsely claim that famous or infamous people have died. Some of these messages bear malicious links.
Celebrity hoaxes carry lies about the supposed scandalous activities or unexpected demise of famous people. That is NOT REALLY "Mike" in a bikini with the famous president who used to throw like a girl! He gave it up for "navel lint".
Prank Messages, malicious hoaxes, and satirical messages may spread misinformation and sometimes raise hell with fear and alarm. 3500 rockets are falling on Israel!! Of wait...3500 rockets REALLY DID FALL ON Israel. IF they had been FIREWORKS rockets at $10 each...the Palestinians COULD have bought $35,000 worth of HUMAS to feed the hungry instead of making DEAD HAMAS into Solient Green Cookies for the hungry Palestinians. Aw gee...now Palestinians from Tenesia, Algeria, and elsewhere will never eat green cookies!
Animal, fish, and insect hoaxes are related to animals, including pets and farm animals as well as wild animals like mosquitoes and bats. Why not build a belfry TODAY for homeless bats!
Politics may involve political hoaxes, diatribes and opinion pieces may even add the ending "scum" to replace the ending syllable of peoples' names esp. if they were instrumental for many years in ruining U.S. health care with Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) and scheming lawyer politicians telling HMOs that they need not pay out for prescriptions, treatments, and other pain and life-saving measures.
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