Wednesday, April 6, 2016
GOPe=GOP Establishment Scam Rip-Off
The biggest, absolutely the BIGGEST SCAM going RIGHT NOW as of April 2016 is the GOPe pretending to have an agreement with Donald J TRUMP and stabbing him in the back with Jam Him Down Your Throat Jeb! --Bush who "loaded up his campaign contribution "war chest" with $114 MILLION dollars or about TWICE what anybody else was gathering or even had need for.
The reason and rationale for this was twofold:
IF John Ellis (Jeb) Bush "gets traction" i.e. Big MO or Big momentum he becomes the nominee
BUT Jeb! Bush is a mediocre loser who LOVES Common Core and infested poor Florida
with "the Common Core (crap) because of Bill Gates' $4.5 million or so. Never-you-mind
the fact that CC (not cinnamon cinder or Chris Cringle or whatever) but stinking, no-good
Common Core.
IF you are not convinced that COMMON CORE is BAD NEWS, just look around the internet!
Only about 1.8 million words of ill repute are aimed at Common Core, perhaps MOST egregious
or just plain BAD, is the 4th GRADER Common Core page with references to PIMPS and "HOS".
Why would a 4th grader at approx 10 or 11 years of age of whichever sex or ethnicity --
Is this a RECRUITMENT AD disguised as EDUCATION? Enough SAID!
Back to Jeb! Bush who WAS better known as Jeb Bush, the Bush who is the LEAST LIKELY to "luck out" and have a political career BEYOND his Florida Governorship.
To make a LONG STORY...EVEN LONGER...the John known as Bush was PULLED due to spending about $25000
PER VOTE! So the remainder of the campaign LOOT went to ...wait for it....wait for it...
Marco (Polo) Rubio finally FAILED to even get FLORIDA'S delegates in HIS HOME STATE so RUBIO gave up on FLORIDA and BACKED the John known as KASICH? Kasich was the designated SPOILER from Sea Island Resort meeting when GOP plotted getting TRUMP with lots of industry tycoons.
Since when does a two-bit greenhorn Senator who FAILS THROW HIS SUPPORT for ANOTHER LOSER (namely KASICH) who also HAS NO CHANCE TO WIN THE GOP NOMINATION?
THIS, my friends and countrymen, is the SCAM, this BLOGGER is trying to ENLIGHTEN FOLKS ABOUT who READ and LISTEN to reason and rationale.
IT APPEARS that the GOPe has STABBED TRUMP so often and so REPEATEDLY that he COULD FAIL to get the required 1237 delegates! (hello DOMINANT Party #2 with TRUMP, the ONLY one that has a chance to BEAT HRC, the Hitlery Hildebeest! (Sorry non-Gentiles...this blogger uses common nicknames)
THAT'S has been the GOPe DREAM ALL ALONG...NEVER-MIND beating Hillary Clinton, the bitter socialist woman or Bernie Sanders the prosperous socialist known as "Burning Sandals"!Bernie Sanders, independent Socialist --is BAD NEWS for many reasons...mostly for THROWING TAXPAYER money at just about ANYTHING his little shriveled up black heart FREE COLLEGE!
Who is to pay for this FREE COLLEGE TUITION? R-I-G-H-T the TAXPAYERS and HOW will this IMPROVE the USA? It will TAX the living Hail Columbia out of all the working people esp the middle class while the poorer people --- get a PASS.
Lucky You! THIS BLOGGER KNOWS AT LEAST ONE HARD-WORKING lady WHO PAID "in that range" AND RECEIVED **nothing**! Most people PAID $1000s and GOT **NOTHING** even with sickness or accidents.
SO IN not support the delusion! right! THE GOP HAS A delusion THAT their whomever,
JEB OR PAUL RYAN OR MICKEY MOUSE candidate #34----- has NO CHANCE to beat Hillary should she GO SCOTT FREE or Bernie who most likely will be her SCOTT FREE Hillary --VP! (deceptive of him, was it not?)
When it comes to being VP...look how Lyndon Baines Johnson DID NOT want VP but took it LATER!
TRUMP IS THE ONLY ONE that can "Make America GREAT Again." It's MUCH MORE than a SLOGAN with Donald J. TRUMP...but all you CRUZ voters...I forgive you! Now he will be running as XXX's VP on the GOP ticket to LOSE...sorry 'bout that but TRUMP has to WIN!
TRUMP has ALWAYS been IN IT TO WIN IT! Not Cruz or Rubio or Kasich or Jab or...
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